Nancy Garrity Nurse

Nancy Garrity Nurse

Nurse Nancy Garrity has been a registered nurse for over 12 years and currently is a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant. She reviews cases for lawyers and attorney’s.

In addition to being Nancy Garrity Registered Nurse, she is also a certified legal nurse consultant, Nancy also offers expert witness services.

Nancy Garrity Nurse Little Torch Key FL

Nancy Garrity is very familiar with Little Torch Key, FL and can be seen riding her bike and boating quite often almost every day. Nancy Garrity Little Torch Key FL has a population of about 7,000 people, almost evenly split down the middle as far as how many men and women there are. Nancy Garrity Registered Nurse lives in the Key's. In Nancy's own words "I love being a nurse in Little Torch Key". The benefits of being a Legal Nurse Consultant are very appreciated by Nancy. It gives her the flexibility to schedule her days accordingly and she has said many times, that she is blessed.

Registered Nurse

Legal Nurse Consultant

Expert Witness